Daily Admission $5.00 - Memorial Weekend / May 23rd - May 26th with Hours from 9 AM to 6 PM.

Get ready to embark on a captivating journey through time as you explore the enchanting world of generations-old farm estates. The Junkathon Flea Market specializes in the magical allure of vintage patina. Here, you'll discover items in their raw, unpolished glory, each with its unique story waiting to be unveiled.

Highlights to Look Forward to:

Endless Treasures: From rustic Early Farm decor to sleek Mid-Century Modern finds, we've got it all.

Nostalgic Adventure: Take a delightful trip down memory lane with every item you encounter.

Outdoor Shopping Extravaganza: Experience the Best Outdoor Shopping in the Brainerd Lakes area!

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the mesmerizing world of Junkathon on Memorial Weekend and unearth treasures that will add a touch of vintage charm to your life!

The event is located 2 miles north of Pine River, Mn on Hwy 371.

Old doors and windows
Wagons and carts
Pulley’s and ropes
Hay carriers
Cream cans and barrels
Wash stands and tubs
Buggy and implement seats
Trolleys and tracks
Garden gates and fence
Wood skis and oars
Wire traps and cages
Wood boxes and crates
Stoneware and glass
Crocks and Jugs
Pottery and planters
Old painted cupboards
Cast iron tubs and sinks
Depression, Carnival and Fiesta Rugs and quilts
Wrought iron beds
Cabinets and drawers
Phonographs and radios
Musical instruments
Old ford wrenches
All kinds of tools
Barn doors and stanchions
Twig and willow furniture
Cast iron caldrons
Steel jawed traps
Lead pots and ladles
Trunks and luggage
Old car projects
Roofing tin
Truck grilles and tailgates
Fenders and doors
Horse drawn implements
Cupalos and weathervanes
Saddles and spurs
Horse collars and yokes
Sleds and sleighs
Farmyard tanks and troughs
Old painted birdhouses
Hardware cabinets
Ornamental wire
Architectural salvage
Cast iron wheels
Primitive wood siding
Wood ladders and racks
Metal lawn chairs
Garden benches and swings
Wire potato baskets
Wood tables and chairs
Pantry and parlor stoves
Enamel and Graniteware
Old time lighting
Antique ceiling tin
Lanterns and lamps
Cast iron kettles and skillets
Platform and vegetable scales
Bottles and jars
Coins and banks
Old phones and clocks
Framed pictures and mirrors
Old buttons, hats, and  jewelry
Postcards and comic books
Dolls and old tin toys
Folk art whirly jigs
Truck sirens and horns
Tires and wheels
Old testing equipment
Fanning mills
Corn shellers
Horse shoes
Well pumps
Blacksmith tools
Milk stools and benches
Hatchets and knives
Big old sawblades
Anvils and vices
Gas pumps and nozzles
Old car license plates
Oil cans and lubesters
Old gas engines
Tractor mags and carbs
Machinist tools and gauges
Carpenter planes and levels
Old car parts
Motorbikes and bicycles
Shovels and forks
Chains and cable
Military clothes and ammo
Manuals and books
Sporting collectables
Wood boats and canoes
Keys and padlocks
Weathered barn wood
Old tackle boxes
Chicken cages and nests
Fishing decoys and lures
Deer and fish mounts
Duck decoys
Tanned fur and hides
Antique sewing and washing machines
Old military instruments
Funnels and strainers
Industrial stands
Spiral staircase
Scooters and go carts
Cross cut and ice saws
Letters and signs
Old fire extinguishers
Country store tins
Brass cash registers
Brass propellers
Chicken feeders and waterers
Outboards and props
Fishing poles and reels

Yard and garden decor, primitive cabin furnishings, old farmstead relics, industrial pieces and rusty metal one of a kinds. Lots of cool stuff to upcycle and repurpose.

The Junkathon Flea Market brings Vendors, variety and value to the heart of Minnesota’s vacation land, midway between Brainerd and Walker, MN. along Hwy 371.

telephone 218-507-1255 e-mail Junkathonfleamarket@gmail.com IRON VALLEY RANCH HWY 371 NORTH BOX 30 PINE RIVER, MN 56474-0030 © 2024 JunkathonFleaMarket.com | All Rights Reserved. jQuery(window).load(function() { var retina = window.devicePixelRatio > 1 ? true : false; if (retina) { var retinaEl = jQuery("#logo img"); retinaEl.attr("src", "images/retina-bar.png").width(retinaLogoW).height(retinaLogoH) } }); function google_maps_54f9c2cb050aa() { var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(-33.8710, 151.2039); var myOptions = { zoom : 15, center : latlng, mapTypeId : google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, styles : [{ "featureType" : "administrative", "stylers" : [{ "visibility" : "off" }] }, { "featureType" : "poi", "stylers" : [{ "visibility" : "simplified" }] }, { "featureType" : "road", "elementType" : "labels", "stylers" : [{ "visibility" : "simplified" }] }, { "featureType" : "water", "stylers" : [{ "visibility" : "simplified" }] }, { "featureType" : "transit", "stylers" : [{ "visibility" : "simplified" }] }, { "featureType" : "landscape", "stylers" : [{ "visibility" : "simplified" }] }, { "featureType" : "road.highway", "stylers" : [{ "visibility" : "off" }] }, { "featureType" : "road.local", "stylers" : [{ "visibility" : "on" }] }, { "featureType" : "road.highway", "elementType" : "geometry", "stylers" : [{ "visibility" : "on" }] }, { "featureType" : "water", "stylers" : [{ "color" : "#abbaa4" }] }, { "featureType" : "transit.line", "elementType" : "geometry", "stylers" : [{ "color" : "#3f518c" }] }, { "featureType" : "road.highway", "stylers" : [{ "color" : "#ad9b8d" }] }], zoomControl : true, mapTypeControl : false, streetViewControl : false, scrollwheel : false }; var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("google-map-area-54f9c2cb050aa"), myOptions); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position : latlng, icon : "images/home_bar_map_pin.png", map : map }); } jQuery(document).ready(function($) { google_maps_54f9c2cb050aa(); });